Thursday, December 20, 2007


ok so at tmi they have these big walls that you climb over in the obstacle course, and me and jaron built one!!! yeah! it's huge and amazing! we can all do it at the new years eve party caause you need a bunch of people! or i mAY JUST INVINTE EVERYONE OVER ON SUNDAY WHO CAN. WHOOPS CAPS-LOCK HAHA

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

hehe haha

hmmm........i can't think of snything to say. the party was pretty fun esp. the geography game, running to the bridge w/jaron, and before everyone got there

Monday, December 10, 2007


incase yall don't know i have been in montana for a while. i am now in denver, alone, waiting for my flight to stop getting delayed:-P it was so cold and dry in montana that my lips would constantly bleed and then the blood would freeze and when i move my mouth the scabs break and my lips bleed. gross. i hate cold saturday morning it was -1 yikes that was a nightmere i changed the commenting thing again. sorry bout that

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


so i made a new blog haha the other one was kinda old! leave lots of comments. i wish i could fast forward the next 2 days till TG is over.